Wednesday, June 30, 2010

July 4th, 2010 Declaration of God-Dependence

July 4th Declaration of God-Dependence

We hold these truths to be evident in the Bible, that God has chosen us to be His children before He made the world; that we are children of God through our whole-hearted faith in Jesus Christ His Son, our faith itself a gift from God, and that as His children, God has given us certain unalienable rights, that among these are eternal life, liberty from guilt, shame, fear, rejection, abandonment, powerlessness, hopelessness and the pursuit of a godly, fruitful Christian life building the Kingdom throughout the world.

That to secure these rights, the Father sacrificed His Son on our behalf to pay a debt we could not pay even when we were enemies of God through our sins. That whenever any form of government, commerce, culture or public opinion becomes destructive to these God-given rights, it is our duty to throw off such beliefs and to trust in the Lord with all our hearts for our future security, believing that it is the right of all believers to cast their cares and needs upon the unbreakable promises of God Who cannot lie.

We, therefore, the congregation assembled here this Lord’s Day, July 4, 2010, do solemnly publish and declare, that we are, and of right ought to be, spiritually free and God-dependent people. We chose to give up our rights to live in our own strength and chose, instead, to live by His strength and promises. We believe that he is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot earn.

And for the support of this declaration and with a firm reliance on the protection of God Our Father, Jesus our Lord and God’s Holy Spirit, we pledge to depend on God and on each other for the rest of our days on earth. ( people sign and hang signed letter in church)

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