Restoration Church is seeking the man God has prepared to become its Senior Pastor. The church is located at 508 Fox Hill Road in Hampton, Virginia. Current Sunday morning attendance is just under 200 in a sanctuary that will hold approximately 400 people.
Full-time staff presently consists of a worship pastor and secretary with a youth pastor serving part-time. Restoration is a Southern Baptist Church affiliated with the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia. Worship services feature contemporary music; there is a thriving youth ministry, and AWANA clubs are available for younger children. The church is organized around elder rule, with the Senior Pastor serving as the lead elder. Deacons are nominated by the body to minister as servant leaders.
Doctrinally, Restoration Church stands on the inerrancy of the Bible as the inspired Word of God, the sanctity of life from conception to natural death, and the permanence of marriage between one man and one woman. The church affirms the Biblical operation of spiritual gifts and the active presence of the Holy Spirit in the lives of God’s people.
Please contact the church for further information:
Restoration Church
508 Fox Hill Road
Hampton, VA 23669
Phone: 757-851-3625
Website: (under construction