Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Resources to Pray for Muslims During Sept 2008 (Ramadan)

P.S. Check out this video http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6159310594968862880&hl=en

and these excellent resources:

30-Days of Prayer for Christians on the Go one page, daily prayer reminder, to put on your mirror or take with you - for busy Christians [1.1 Mb]

30-Days Press Release one page information sheet about Ramadan and this prayer movement [136 Kb]

"Business Cards" print-out sheet a card format to add your church address

Paper Folding Project (fold a paper plane) - good for Sunday-schools

Kids Covers - print out for the bulleting board [315 kb]

30-Days Poster [247 kb]

Promotion texts for bulletins sample texts for your church bulletin or email

Monday, July 14, 2008

Chinese Girl Needs Housing

This is Brenda (Yujie Yao in Chinese). Let me introduce myself briefly.

I teach English at SIAS University now. I was a 1999 student of SIAS and began teaching there after graduation in 2003. I love teaching very much and find it very necessary to learn more about English teaching. Suggested by teachers and friends, I decided to study TESOL, because it is a professional program that helps non-English speakers learn English, which is just what I need. Then, Dr. Shawn Chen, the President and Founder of SIAS suggested that I should go to the States, because it is a native English speaking country and has excellent TESOL programs which offer Master degree. Also, suggested by Dr. Chen, I applied to Regent University and have been accepted to the Master Teacher Program with TESOL concentration in the School of Education. I will begin my study this Fall, and required by Regent, I have to move to Virginia Beach no later than August 12th and will stay for one and a half years.

I'm grateful that Regent offers me a tuition scholarship, but I have to pay my own housing. I do have some savings from these years of teaching, and SIAS will also give me some support, but still not enough to afford both housing and food. I am the second child of my family. Both of my parents are ordinary railway workers and have retired. Honestly, they don have much savings, either. Actually, all their savings have been used to support me and my brother. Now, they are just living on their low retirement salary.

Frankly, I've never imagined that I can study abroad in the U.S. Living in America is too expensive compared to in China. But for the encouragement and help from Dr. Chen, my family and friends, as well as professors at Regent, never can I have been able to talk about housing with you now. So, I value this opportunity very much. I am truly grateful that you help me too.

I am a quiet girl and able to keep room clean and tidy. Love to make new friends and share some housework. This is my very first time to study and live abroad, so I am kind of excited and nervous. I know a little information about life in the States from TV, books and internet, but not much. However, I think I am a good learner and always ready to learn. To me, this will be an adventure and full of challenges, but I will try my best.

I do hope this can help you introduce me to the host family. Thank you very much!

Best regards,


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Urgent Prayer Alert from Dutch Sheets April 2008

Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 11:52 PM

Subject: Urgent Prayer Alert from Dutch Sheets

I have been waiting several weeks to write this prayer alert, making every effort to hear from the Lord as clearly as possible. I try not to write national prayer alerts frequently, only when I feel they are urgent. This is probably one of the most important assignments I’ve ever had. Although it is unusually long, please read it prayerfully and pass it on.

In our partnering with God to turn America back to its Christian heritage and God-given destiny, indeed, to experience another great awakening that will impact every aspect of our culture and bring millions of people to Christ, we are at a great crossroads. I believe we are at the deciding point in the war. While writing this letter I was handed a newsletter of Cindy Jacobs, a prophet and international leader in the prayer movement; she believes this also, stating: “As I pray for the United States, I see that we are at a crossroads where we will either keep the ground we have taken and advance to see our nation transformed, or we will deteriorate at an alarming rate.”

The Battle of the Bulge

A friend of mine likens where we are to the Battle of the Bulge. This battle was an intense counter offensive launched by Hitler in WW II “after D Day, when it looked like the Allies had won the war, Hitler tried one final, desperate onslaught to turn the tide. This caught the Allies by surprise and, though we eventually defeated Hitler’s armies, was for a season demoralizing and very costly to us. Likewise today, an intense counter offensive has been orchestrated from Hell to pull down President Bush and derail the destiny of America. This whirlwind of darkness over America is bringing great national confusion and is causing paralysis even in the praying church.

I have sensed this strong confusion in both the civil and spiritual realms, from leaders on down. It is strong in Washington D.C. “godly governmental leaders know things are in disarray and that something is desperately wrong, but also say that nothing seems to work when it comes to reversing it. Spiritual leaders also know things are not right, that we have lost momentum and that antichrist forces seem to be prevailing, but no one seems to know what to do about it. My friend Lou Engle, in a recent prayer alert said, ‘Wherever I go, I can feel the attitude of resignation, criticism and despair.’ “ Lou’s entire alert can be found at www.justicehouseofprayer.com

The Spirit of Babylon

Chuck Pierce, another friend and internationally trusted prophet connected our desperate condition to the war in Iraq: “the spirit of Babylon is slapping us around.” Iraq is modern day Babylon. Babylon means “confusion,” which is obviously one of the results of this spiritual war. America’s armies had no problem taking out Saddam’s physical army, but we are now dealing with an ancient principality, the spirit of Babylon, which cannot be defeated with natural weapons and strategies. This spirit is currently, though I believe it not be permanently, prevailing against us. As previously stated, the symptoms of confusion and disarray can be seen in the church, on our president and in the nation in general.

A further result of all this on our president is political disfavor. He has one of the most unfavorable performance ratings of any president in history, ranking down with Nixon during Watergate. The cover of one major magazine reads: “How Low Can He Go?? Usually when the economy thrives, and ours is, a president’s ratings are high, (even if he is sexually involved with an intern and lies about it!). But not this president! He has lost his favor and consequently his voice, neither of which will return until certain things occur.

A Dream About the President

Regarding this loss of voice, a pastor related to me a dream he had recently about President Bush. The president was in a jail cell in a desert region. He was very agitated and his bottom lip was torn in half. I believe this desert region represents Iraq and the tearing of the president’s lip pictures my assertion that his voice has been torn from him.

As the dream continued a man grabbed the president from behind, and said, “Let go. Give in.” Snakes then came out of the man’s cloak, wrapped around the president and one of them bit his torn lip. The president fell to the ground and disappeared. The snake then took the form of a woman, looked at the man having the dream (who had run in to try and help the president) and said, “There is nothing you can do to stop this.”

The man in the dream changing into a serpent confirms to me that we are no longer dealing with flesh and blood in Iraq, but with “principalities and powers” (see Ephesians 6:12). They have entrapped our president, stolen his voice and intend to completely destroy his effectiveness. Their ultimate goal is to steal his destiny, which is warring against terrorism and shifting the courts, especially the Supreme Court of America. Though the president has been disabled and seemingly taken out by this spirit, it is not true that there is nothing we can do to stop it. I will address this momentarily.

The Reality of Where We Are

It is vital for us to grasp the magnitude of this spiritual war against America and our president, and also to realize that the forces of evil are currently prevailing, though it need not remain so. If the November, 2006 elections were held today, it is almost certain that pro-life and morally conservative voices would lose some, if not complete, control of Congress. It is also quite likely that if the third vacancy occurred on the Supreme Court now (and I believe it is coming soon), one of two things would happen. Either Bush would bow to the temptation to appoint a moderate because of his weak position; or if he appointed a true conservative constitutionalist like Roberts or Alito, the liberals would be empowered enough to stop the nomination through filibustering or character assassination.

Worse yet, if the vacancy doesn’t occur until after the November elections and conservatives do lose control of Congress, we can very likely kiss goodbye our current opportunity to shift the Supreme Court of America. This would be the most devastating setback of our day. The consequences are unthinkable. The killing of babies and pro-death culture would continue, God would continue to be unwelcome in schools, government and public life and another generation would spiral further downward into Godless, humanistic relativism. Our God-given destiny in America could be lost indefinitely, perhaps forever. We simply cannot allow this.

Regarding the war on terrorism, if we don’t turn the tide spiritually and do so fairly soon, it will turn into a quagmire that our generation doesn’t have the strength, courage, boldness or selflessness to endure. This is the reality of where we are.

What God Is Saying to the Church?

What must happen in the praying church and with our president at this critical time? There are biblical pictures that can help us identify our current position and point us toward the right strategy. First, where is the church and what must we do?

If the praying church does not re-engage in informed, consistent and fervent intercession for our nation and president NOW, we will lose our Battle of the Bulge. Our past victories and the ground we have gained are all on the line. So is our future. We have grown complacent and overconfident, as did the Israelites at Ai. In their attempt to conquer the Promised Land, Israel had won a great and impressive victory at Jericho (see Joshua 6). However, they grew overconfident and when they confronted the next town, small and insignificant Ai, did not pray for God’s help and strategy. Consequently, God wasn’t with them. The result was a devastating defeat.

We, too, have grown spiritually overconfident and complacent due to our recent victories. Now, like Joshua after the defeat at Ai, we are confused and disoriented (see Joshua 7:6-9). We must re-engage in prayer immediately. Lou Engle, in the above mentioned prayer alert also said, “Maybe President Bush’s legacy and the future of our nation hinge more on our prayers than on the whole political debate that rages now.” Right on, Lou, except I believe we can scratch the word “maybe.” Our future absolutely hinges on our prayers.

What God Is Saying to Our President

What of our president? In biblical context where is he, and what must he do? In Genesis 32, Jacob, Abraham’s grandson and the man who produced the nation of Israel through his twelve sons, came to his own personal crossroads. He, like our president, had come to a great crisis. Years earlier Jacob had connived to attain his brother Esau’s birthright and stolen the blessing reserved for him as the firstborn son. Now, twenty years later, Jacob is returning to face Esau, who has sworn to kill him. On the way, he has a life-changing encounter with God (see Genesis 32:24-32). Several parts of this story parallel where our president currently is and what he must do:

1) Jacob was left alone. Consistent with his conniving nature, which is what his name meant, Jacob’s possessions, servants and family had all been sent ahead to “appease” Esau. Then, in his wrestling with the angel, Jacob’s thigh, a symbol of strength, was dislocated, causing him to walk with a permanent limp. Everything Jacob owned, all of his family and now, all of his strength, was gone. God was allowing him to lose all, at least Jacob thought so, and also removing from him what he had relied on all of his life, his ability to connive (which, again, is the meaning of his name) his way out of trouble and into blessing through his own strength and manipulation.

For our president, I believe this conniving nature of Jacob pictures what occurs so often in the political realm. Not that the political world and those who are a part of it are necessarily evil, but a political spirit is. It is the equivalent of a “Jacob’s nature” which we’re all born with, that believes there is always a way to reverse our fortunes through manipulation and control, conniving and self-effort. Some actually prevail through this spirit, but God will not allow Bush to succeed by operating in it. He has, therefore, allowed our president to lose favor for a season and nothing Bush has done can or will reverse this. Politics cannot help him, Rove can’t, his party can’t, and his troops in Iraq and Afghanistan cannot. God wants our president to know that the only one who can help him now is the One who put him where he is: Himself.

This does not necessarily mean our president has sinned or failed. Of course, he is human and therefore imperfect. And like all of us he has a Jacob nature to contend with. But this doesn’t make him a failure in God’s eyes. There is nothing to indicate that God was angry with Jacob but rather that He wanted to move him further toward his destiny, which was to birth the nation of Israel. His Jacob nature stood in the way and God needed to change it. This is what must occur in our president, which brings me to the second parallel to Jacob and our president.

2) Jacob’s name was changed to Israel. (See Genesis 32:28) Names represented nature, identity and purpose in those days. That Jacob was after one thing, restored favor and blessing, and God was after another, a nature change, is obvious in the story. Jacob finally realized this when he responded to the angel’s question of what his name was: “The Man asked him, ‘What is your name’ And in shock of realization, whispering he said, ‘Jacob’ [supplanter, schemer, trickster, swindler]!” (Genesis 32:27, Amplified)

Jacob’s acknowledgment of his condition, equivalent to repentance and confession, allowed God to break off of him the Jacob nature. God then re-named him Israel, moving him into his destiny. Likewise, God has a destiny on our president that cannot be accomplished through politics or human ability. Only the power, wisdom and enablement of the Holy Spirit can equip President Bush to accomplish his destiny concerning terrorism and the courts of America. I want to be very bold and make a statement that may seem unusual regarding a government leader: God has removed favor from our president and is wrestling with him, in order to remove from him all confidence that he can prevail through human strength and methods, including politics. He wants him to walk with a limp. God wants to anoint him for his assignment, giving him a supernatural ability to prevail. To accomplish this, He desires to visit our president in a holy and awesome way, just as He did Jacob. President Bush has an appointment with God!

3) Jacob named the place Peniel, which means “the face of God.” He stated, "I have seen God face to face, yet my life has been preserved." Jacob’s life was transformed, favor with Esau was given and all possessions were returned. In an interesting irony, the word “appease” (verse 20), what Jacob was attempting with Esau, and the word Peniel come from the same Hebrew root which means “face.” To appease is to put something in another person’s “face” in order to buy or procure favor. God was in essence saying to Jacob, “You can’t appease your enemy, but you can appease Me. Facing your enemy through the Jacob (political) spirit won’t help you anymore, but facing Me will.”

Likewise, God is saying to our president that He alone holds the key to favor and blessing in this hour. President Bush cannot prevail through appeasement, politics or any other human effort alone. But if he will face God and rely solely on Him, God will visit him face to face, favor will return and the president can fulfill his destiny. We must pray this understanding/revelation to our president and we must birth this holy visitation. For him to live and operate in a political world without being caught up in it will indeed require great revelation and humility. This could come either through God speaking to him personally or by getting the right individual to him with this message. Our responsibility is to pray until it happens. If it does not, our president will not recover and America is in big trouble.

[For a complete explanation, you can order the message I recently shared on this subject, entitled “Jacob at Peniel.” Order it by going to www.dutchsheets.org and clicking on the link on the home page.]


In closing, a final story related to the Battle of the Bulge is pertinent. The Allies chose to stop Hitler’s advance at a place called Bostogne. The 101st Airborne Division, nicknamed “The Screaming Eagles” were assigned, against all odds, to hold Bostogne. The Germans surrounded the 101st at Bostogne and demanded their surrender. Brigadier General Anthony McAuliffe’s now famous response was “Nuts.” When the Germans asked for an interpretation of this, the American officer delivering the message said, “It means you can go to hell.”

The Allies then needed the weather to clear up in order to use their air superiority. General Patton ordered his chaplain to compose a prayer asking God to clear up the weather. The next day the skies were clear and our aircraft began to control the air war and destroy the enemy. Before the battle, the 101st’s first commander, Major General William C. Lee, made the following statement to his soldiers: “The 101st Airborne Division, activated at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana, has no history, but it has a rendezvous with destiny. Like the early American pioneers whose invincible courage was the foundation stone of this nation, we have broken with the past and its traditions in order to establish our claim to the future. Due to the nature of our armament, and the tactics in which we shall perfect ourselves, we shall be called upon to carry out operations of far-reaching military importance and we shall habitually go into action when the need is immediate and extreme. Let me call your attention to the fact that our badge is the great American eagle. This is a fitting emblem for a division that will crush its enemies by falling upon them like a thunderbolt from the skies. The history we shall make, the record of high achievement we hope to write in the annals of the American Army and the American people, depends wholly and completely on the men of this division. Each individual, each officer and each enlisted man, must therefore regard himself as a necessary part of a complex and powerful instrument for the overcoming of the enemies of the nation. Each, in his own job, must realize that he is not only a means, but an indispensable means for obtaining the goal of victory. It is, therefore, not too much to say that the future itself, in whose molding we expect to have our share, is in the hands of the soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division. (Emphasis mine.)

The Screaming Eagles Must Arise

Hitler personally orchestrated the Battle of the Bulge. I believe Satan is personally orchestrating his forces in the battle against Bush and the church of America. God is calling the “Screaming Eagles” of intercession to take our stand and win the air war in the heavenlies, stopping the enemy’ advance. Like the Screaming Eagles of yesterday, we can write a history of commitment, bravery, self-sacrifice and victory. “The future itself, in whose molding we expect to have our share, is in the hands of, the church. Satan says we can’t win, I say ‘Nuts!” We can win this war against terrorism and for the soul of America, but only in the spirit. If we don’t do so, the greater sin won’t be our president’s but ours, the church of America.

If this word rings true in your heart, pass it on, and PRAY! Pray in church services; hold special prayer meetings; fast and pray; send a prayer team to Washington , D.C. to pray; pause at family gatherings to pray; pray at home groups. Pray, pray, pray.

Let’s do our part and win this war.

Dutch Sheets

May the Lord Bless you and protect you

May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.

May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.

Numbers 6:24-26

Friday, March 21, 2008

Joyce Strong: April 24, 2008 in Norfolk & Army Hero Speaks April 19th

With our Eyes on the Prize

April 24th 7:00PM

It’s true! From deep in our hearts rises the cry to make an eternal difference in this world for the glory of God. Join us for an evening with Joyce Strong, a woman whose life continues to make a difference for eternity not only in this country, but in Russia as well.

Joyce’s journey began in Virginia Beach in 1994, and she is returning on April 24th to celebrate with us the challenges and joys of keeping our eyes on the prize. Come and be inspired in your own pursuit of God’s purposes, and meet others who share your concern for the world. You will leave not only informed, but challenged in your own pursuit of God’s higher call on your life.

With a 30-year history of teaching and leading in ministries in Pennsylvania, Florida, Virginia, and Ohio, Joyce today speaks at conferences and leadership seminars internationally. Her passion for God is also shared internationally through her seven books, three of which have been published in Russian, Chinese and Portuguese.

Come and bring a friend for this special evening together. For more information call or email: Bayview Baptist Church, 707 E. Bayview Baptist, Norfolk, VA 23503: PH: 587-4625
www.bayviewbaptist.org Visit joycestrongministries.org


U.S. Army Chaplain (Captain) Jeff Struecker will speak at a community-wide event at Bethel Baptist Church in Yorktown, VA on April 19 at 7pm.

Struecker, a decorated member of the U.S. Army’s most elite fighting corps, was prominently featured in the national best-seller Black Hawk Down, later made into a major motion picture. A man of courage and conviction, Struecker uses his personal story of survival on the battlefield to teach his listeners how they, too, can be prepared for any circumstances life has to offer.

Jeff is also the author of The Road to Unafraid: How the Army’s Top Ranger Faced Fear and Found Courage through Black Hawk Down and Beyond.

Captain Struecker will also have a book signing on Friday, April 18 at 7pm at Barnes and Noble (Yoder Plaza Shopping Center, 12170 Jefferson Avenue) and will be speaking during the Sunday Morning Worship Services at Bethel Baptist on Sunday morning, April 20 at 9:00am and 10:30am. 0BCaptain Struecker will be available for interviews on Friday, April 18. If interested in an interview, or for more information about these events, please contact Christina Brandal at Bethel Baptist Church, by e-mail (cbrandal@bbcyorktown.org) or phone (757-867-8082).

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Prophetic Word from Chuck Pierce

Remember--this is from the same prophet that predicted a large, cleansing wind to come upon New Orleans exactly on year before it happened--to the day!

The Voice of Change is Stirring Us to Come UP from the Wilderness!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Dear Friends and Intercessors:

We are heading into two of the most rearranging, realigning months that we have ever known in the history of this generation. What occurs during these days will set a course for our lives and this nation. The Lord woke me at 1 o'clock on Tuesday morning. As I walked into the bathroom I noticed a calligraphy verse: "Lean not on your own understanding." This verse lit up even though the light was not on in the bathroom. The verse became red and yellow like fire. When I went back in at 5 AM, I noticed that the verse was actually in navy blue!

I heard the Lord begin to say: "Lean not on your own understanding today. I am calling you to watch the way that begins to form! For I am forming and reforming the way for My people! Abrasive circumstances will increase over these next 40 days. Lean not on your own understanding. I will show you things that you do not know during this time. I will cause you to see the pattern that I am forming. Do not fall into an understanding of the past, even the past 40 years, for in the next 40 days I am producing a new time of understanding in My people. For My wisdom is not your wisdom. I am creating a fear and an awe of Me! I will show you how evil is working. I will let you hear the voice of evil - that voice that has been distracting, confronting, and taunting you. My cause will rise up in you. My words will form in your mouth. You will speak it to the atmosphere and the atmosphere around you will change. I am forming a highway in your wilderness. It will not be made of shifting sand. The foundation for your future is being laid.

I will cause you to see the land that will be made sure for you. Lean not on your own understanding. Allow these next 40 days to be that which will change the atmosphere from one of a mesmerizing force to the power of God in your midst. Honor ME with a shout! Bless My Name. For My name is replacing the name of the enemy on the gates of entry into your future. Where the enemy had your gate blocked, I am now rising up to give you authority and entry into your new place!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Me and I will direct your path. Do not just look at your circumstances - do not lean on your own understanding! Keep your mind stayed upon Me. Do not allow your abilities to be your trust. I will create a strong people that will rule in every sphere of authority. Spheres of authority will be rearranged in these next 40 days. The power of My words in your mouth will cause a break through. Don't miss your window of opportunity or fail to recognize the catalyst I am creating for rearranged momentum.

Receive an anointing to leap over the mountain that has been deceiving and intimidating you.

"Don't be afraid of your storm this week for I will reorder your way and will cause your times to be changed. I'll set you ahead of that which would overtake you and cause you to be overwhelmed. So don't fear the storm. Watch the rain and wind work to your benefit! Hear the keys shaking, for I am rattling the gates of hell. Decree the blockade that wouldn't open up and let you move forward, even in your emotions, is being unlocked and that you are now able to move forward.

"Your path will become straight so that I might enter a new way. What is too high will come down and that which is too low will come up. I can bring the prideful into right order and bring the humble into a new place of seeking. I am creating a straight path for us to walk into the future. May you see the path on which I will lead you into the future. Allow Me to come into your midst and prepare a way through this wilderness and into your next place. I control the end from the beginning. There is nothing that happens in the earth realm that is outside of MY dominion. Agree that My will will be done on earth as it is in heaven this day. Look up and see Me as the King who reigns. See Heaven's highway forming in the earth realm around you. I am not asking you to go under, but to come up! Find the high way into the place that I have for you.

"Hear My voice in the wilderness. Though you have been unsure of the way you are to go, today I am beginning to call you new and fresh. This is a time when you must not miss that window of momentum. Do not be content to only sit and be taught every day because teaching alone will not get you to your next place. You must have the anointing to leap over that mountain. My call is being extended from the heavenly realm. War for the next 21 days to see My call come forth. Those that will hear the call that I have for them this hour know how to follow after the call that I am extending. This is not about a person you are following but a call that I am placing to set a course for you out of one place and into another. Hear the call! My voice is entering into your valley and your wilderness and saying, 'Come up with me!'

"Now is the time of restructured vision. Now is the time of finding your place to stand on the land, a place that will not sink when you stand, a land that will not confuse or entrap you. Hear My voice in your wilderness. For in 40 days, I will begin to qualify those that have received and embraced My call!

Do not allow the enemy's voice to confuse you in the next few days. You will be accosted by the enemy three times to keep you from finding and standing firm on the highway that I am forming to bring you through and into your new! Watch carefully and know the different voices this hour. Voices will bring confusion into your atmosphere. In the midst of this time you must know what you are to follow. This is a time when confusing voices over your financial state and the state of the world would create a disheartening emotion that would lead to fear. I am the God of the gold and silver. I am the one who can shake loose new finances. I am the one who can cause things to be let go so you can move in and go through the gates I have for you. Do not let a narrow, high path in front of you seem to be too steep for you to climb. I am making a straight path and causing you to be directed in a new way these next 40 days.

"You have never been this way before. Nations are hanging in the balance! My Kingdom government will now begin to rise up and form to influence the government of the earth. I am a God who creates a Highway that can only be seen by eyes who know My glory. You will know me as King and ruler. I confounded the gods of Egypt. I confounded the Roman Empire.

"Let Me form the words in your mouth to confront those things that would keep you from finding the highway I have prepared in the wilderness. Only My voice can guide you through and to this narrow road! In the midst of these three confrontations, NOW I am forming the words for you to use to stop your enemy from overtaking you. This is a corporate call for My people to rise up. In this corporate call you must be a people who knows how to confront the atmospheric war around you.

"I am raising up an abrasive time that will provoke you and produce My jealousy in you so you rise up with a new war mantle against the forces of hell in your midst. I will raise the abrasion! I will provoke MY people to action. Wake from your slumber and stupor and hear Me now to come forth! Do not lean on your own understanding. Go with My flow and watch Me make a direct path. Watch Me cause a path to come into order.

"Renew the foundation. I am ready to build again. I will begin to build your future. Activate that way that I am calling you. Do not fear going into the brush and the brambles to find the hidden treasure that you will use to build My altar this hour. Today I am activating you. The intensity of the time is now upon you. I am activating you and calling you to hear what is coming into your atmosphere. Be delivered from a deaf and dumb spirit that would keep you from speaking and hearing at the right time.

"Rise up and create a path. Change an atmosphere and you will be able to take a stand in that land. Let Zion call forth. I am calling forth to Zion within you to rise up. Prepare for a quick change. Prepare for a quick change. Write the vision. Make it plain. Prepare for a quick change. I am calling for a new release of power over these 40 days. Do not lean on your own understanding. Go in My direction to create a power shift!"

Chuck D. Pierce

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Partners 309: Sharia Law in England?

The Archbishop and Sharia
What Empty Churches Are Made of

February 25, 2008

There are an estimated 1.6 million Muslims in Great Britain. By some estimates, more people attend mosque than go to Anglican churches every week. Judging by recent comments by the Archbishop of Canterbury, it is easy to see why.

As most of you by now know, Archbishop Rowan William said in a recent interview that the "UK has to 'face up to the fact' that some of its citizens do not relate to the British legal system." He left no doubt who those "citizens" are: British Muslims.

So according to Williams, British Muslims should not have to choose between "the stark alternatives of cultural loyalty or state loyalty." Instead, in the tradition of having your cake and eating it too, he proposes finding "a constructive accommodation with some aspects of Muslim law"—in other words, sharia.

British Muslims could choose to have "marital" or "financial" disputes resolved in sharia courts. Sharia courts in Britain? At first I thought the Archbishop misspoke.

But it turns out, no. He calls this "supplementary jurisdiction" unavoidable. He compared it to accommodating Christians in areas like abortion or gay adoption.

With all due respect to the Archbishop, there is no such parallel. The only thing that is unavoidable here is his failure to see sharia as it is practiced in the real world, as opposed to in seminars. As the Asia Times columnist "Spengler" put it, Williams is conceding "a permanent role to extralegal violence in the political life of England."

In real-world Muslim communities throughout Europe, coercion is so commonplace "that duly-constituted governments there" no longer wield justice among its citizens. The imams do. And where would the Archbishop draw the line? At husbands beating their wives for wearing Western clothes or maybe stoning a woman accused of adultery?

Nor will, as Williams hopes, permitting sharia on British soil aid social cohesion. On the contrary, Williams's fellow bishop, Michael Nazir-Ali, recently spoke about what he calls "no-go zones" in Muslim communities where Christians dare not enter. As a result of death threats, bishop Nazir-Ali and his family require police protection.

Nazir-Ali, whose father had to leave Pakistan after converting to Christianity, told the UK Telegraph that sharia is "in tension" with "fundamental aspects" of Anglo-American law. That is because our "legal tradition" is "rooted in the quite different moral and spiritual vision deriving from the Bible." This crucial difference seems to have escaped the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The West's greatest contribution to civilization has been the rule of law, the bulwark of freedom, captured in Anglo-American jurisprudence. Now a ranking religious official proposes compromising that with a theocratic church rule? Please.

Williams's comments are a tragic sign of the Church's weakness. We fawningly respond to Islamic overtures for dialogue, even as we see Christians being persecuted in Muslim nations—and sharia law being imposed on others right in our own backyards.

This weakness is the stuff that empty churches are made of.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Course in Miracles: A "New Age" False Gospel

"Oprah and Friends" to teach course on New Age Christ

By Warren Smith

November 2007

See also The twisted "truths" of The Shack & A Course in Miracles



See note below concerning a widely distributed email

Oprah Winfrey will be letting out all the stops on her XM Satellite Radio program this coming year. Beginning January 1, 2008, “Oprah & Friends” will offer a year-long course on the New Age teachings of A Course in Miracles.1 A lesson a day throughout the year will completely cover the 365 lessons from the Course in Miracles “Workbook.” For example, Lesson #29 asks you to go through your day affirming that “God is in everything I see.”2 Lesson #61 tells each person to repeat the affirmation “I am the light of the world.”3 Lesson #70 teaches the student to say and believe “My salvation comes from me.”4

By the end of the year, “Oprah & Friends” listeners will have completed all of the lessons laid out in the Course in Miracles Workbook. Those who finish the Course will have a wholly redefined spiritual mindset—a New Age worldview that includes the belief that there is no sin, no evil, no devil, and that God is “in” everyone and everything. A Course in Miracles teaches its students to rethink everything they believe about God and life. The Course Workbook bluntly states: “This is a course in mind training”
5 and is dedicated to “thought reversal.”6

Teaching A Course in Miracles will be Oprah’s longtime friend and special XM Satellite Radio reporter Marianne Williamson—who also happens to be one of today’s premier New Age leaders. She and Conversations with God author Neale Donald Walsch co-founded the American Renaissance Alliance in 1997, that later became the Global Renaissance Alliance of New Age leaders, that changed its name again in 2005 to the Peace Alliance. This Peace Alliance seeks to usher in an era of global peace founded on the principles of a New Age/New Spirituality that they are now referring to as a “civil rights movement for the soul.”
7 They all agree that the principles of this New Age/New Spirituality are clearly articulated in A Course in Miracles—which is fast becoming the New Age Bible. So what is A Course in Miracles and what does it teach?

A Course in Miracles is allegedly “new revelation” from “Jesus” to help humanity work through these troubled times. This “Jesus”—who bears no doctrinal resemblance to the Bible’s Jesus Christ—began delivering his channeled teachings in 1965 to a Columbia University Professor of Medical Psychology by the name of Helen Schucman.

One day Schucman heard an “inner voice” stating, “This is a course in miracles. Please take notes.”8 For seven years she diligently took spiritual dictation from this inner voice that described himself as “Jesus.” A Course in Miracles was quietly published in 1975 by the Foundation for Inner Peace. For many years “the Course” was an underground cult classic for New Age seekers who studied “the Course” individually, with friends, or in small study groups.

As a former New Age follower and devoted student of A Course in Miracles, I eventually discovered that the Course in Miracles was—in reality—the truth of the Bible turned upside down. Not having a true understanding of the Bible at the time of my involvement, I was led to believe that A Course in Miracles was “a gift from God” to help everyone understand the “real” meaning of the Bible and to help bring peace to the world. Little did I know that the New Age “Christ” and the New Age teachings of A Course in Miracles were everything the real Jesus Christ warned us to watch out for. In Matthew 24 Jesus warned about false teachers, false teachings and the false “Christs” who would pretend to be He.

When I left the New Age “Christ” to follow the Bible’s Jesus Christ, I had come to understand that the “Jesus” of A Course in Miracles was a false “Christ,” and that his Course in Miracles was dangerously deceptive. Here are some quotes from the “Jesus” of A Course in Miracles:

  • “There is no sin. . . " 9 [See note]
  • A “slain Christ has no meaning.”10
  • “The journey to the cross should be the last ‘useless journey.”11
  • “Do not make the pathetic error of ‘clinging to the old rugged cross.’”12
  • “The Name of Jesus Christ as such is but a symbol... It is a symbol that is safely used as a replacement for the many names of all the gods to which you pray.”13
  • God is in everything I see.”14
  • “The recognition of God is the recognition of yourself.”15
  • “The oneness of the Creator and the creation is your wholeness, your sanity and your limitless power.”16
  • “The Atonement is the final lesson he [man] need learn, for it teaches him that, never having sinned, he has no need of salvation.”17

Most Christians recognize that these teachings are the opposite of what the Bible teaches. In the Bible, Jesus Christ’s atoning death on the cross of Calvary was hardly a “useless journey.” His triumph on the cross provides salvation to all those who confess their sin, accept Him and follow Him as their Lord and Saviour. His victory on the cross rings throughout the New Testament. It has been gloriously sung about in beloved hymns through the ages and is at the heart of our Christian testimony.

I found the Jesus of the Bible to be wholly believable as He taught God’s truth and warned about the spiritual deception that would come in His name. The “Jesus” of A Course in Miracles reveals himself to be an imposter when he blasphemes the true Jesus Christ by saying that a “slain Christ has no meaning” and that we are all “God” and that we are all “Christ.” It was by reading the Bible’s true teachings of Jesus Christ that I came to understand how deceived I had been by A Course in Miracles and my other New Age teachings.

I was introduced to A Course in Miracles by Dr. Gerald Jampolsky’s book Love is Letting Go of Fear. Jampolsky declared in his easy-to-read book how the teachings of A Course in Miracles had changed his life. As an ambassador for A Course in Miracles over the years, Jampolsky has been featured not only in New Age circles but at least twice on Robert Schuller’s Hour of Power. While Schuller introduced Jampolsky and his “fabulous”
18 Course in Miracles-based books to his worldwide television audience, it was Marianne Williamson’s appearance on a 1992 Oprah Winfrey Show that really shook the rafters.

On that program, Oprah enthusiastically endorsed Williamson’s book, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles. Oprah told her television audience that Williamson’s book about A Course in Miracles was one of her favorite books, and that she had already bought a thousand copies and would be handing them out to everyone in her studio audience. Oprah’s endorsement skyrocketed Williamson’s book about A Course in Miracles to the top of the New York Times bestseller list. Ironically, all of this was happening after I had left the Course and the New Age. In fact, I was doing the final editing on my book The Light That Was Dark that warned about the dangers of the New Age—and in particular A Course in Miracles.

After being introduced to the world on Oprah, Marianne Williamson has continued to grow in popularity and, as previously mentioned, has become one of today’s foremost New Age leaders. Williamson credits Winfrey for bringing her book about A Course in Miracles before the world: “For that, my deepest thanks to Oprah Winfrey. Her enthusiasm and generosity have given the book, and me, an audience we would never otherwise have had.”
19 In her 2004 book, The Gift of Change, Williamson wrote:

“Twenty years ago, I saw the guidance of the Course as key to changing one’s personal life; today, I see its guidance as key to changing the world. More than anything else, I see how deeply the two are connected.”20

Thus the New Age teachings of A Course in Miracles are about to be taught by Marianne Williamson to millions of listeners on Oprah’s XM Satellite Radio program. Listeners are encouraged to buy A Course in Miracles for the year-long course. An audio version of A Course in Miracles recited by Richard (John Boy Walton) Thomas is also available on compact disc.

Popular author Wayne Dyer told his PBS television audience that the “brilliant writing” of A Course in Miracles would produce more peace in the world.21 Williamson’s New Age colleague, Neale Donald Walsch, said his “God” stated that “the era of the Single Saviour is over22 and that he (“God”) was responsible for authoring the teachings of A Course in Miracles.23

Meanwhile, Gerald Jampolsky’s Course in Miracles-based book, Forgiveness, continues to be sold in Robert Schuller’s Crystal Cathedral bookstore as Schuller prepares to host a January 17-19, 2008, “Rethink Conference” at his Crystal Cathedral.24

At this critical time in the history of the world, the New Gospel/New Spirituality is coming right at the world and the church with its New Age teachings and its New Age Peace Plan. But this New Age Peace Plan has at its deceptive core the bottom-line teaching from A Course in Miracles that “we are all one” because God is “in” everyone and everything. But the Bible is clear that we are not God (Ezekiel 28:2; Hosea 11:9). And per Galatians 3:26-28, our only oneness is in Jesus Christ—not in ourselves as “God” and “Christ.” What Oprah and Marianne Williamson and the world will learn one day is that humanity’s only real and lasting peace is with the true Jesus Christ who is described and quoted in the Holy Bible (Romans 5:1).

Oprah Winfrey’s misplaced faith in Marianne Williamson and the New Age teachings of A Course in Miracles is a sure sign of the times. But an even surer sign of the times is that most Christians are not taking heed to what is happening in the world and in the church. We are not contending for the faith as the Bible admonishes us to do (Jude 3).

It is time for all of our Purpose-Driven and Emerging church pastors to address the real issue of the day. Our true Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is being reinvented, redefined, and blasphemed right in front of our eyes and hardly anyone seems to notice or care. If we want the world to know who Jesus Christ is, we need to also warn them about who He is not. There is a false New Age “Christ” making huge inroads into the world and into the church. The Apostle Paul said that “it is a shame” we have to even talk about these things, but talk about them we must (Ephesians 5:12-16).

If people want to follow Oprah Winfrey and the New Age “Christ” of A Course in Miracles they certainly have that right. But let them be warned that the New Age “Christ” they are following is not the same Jesus Christ who is so clearly and authoritatively presented in the pages of the Bible.

Note from Andy and Berit: Many of you are here because of a letter that is circulating on the Internet with a link to this article. We thank you for coming to our website and hope it will encourage you. But we also want you to know that we didn't write the letter.

For more information on this topic, we recommend that you also read:

Deceived by a counterfeit "Jesus" -- The Twisted Truths of The Shack & A Course in Miracles

The Armor of God & The Nature and Tactics of Satan

Warren Smith is a former New Age follower who at one time was deeply involved in the New Age teachings of A Course in Miracles. He is the author of these insightful books:

Deceived on Purpose: http://www.bookmasters.com/marktplc/01743purpose.htm

The Light that was Dark: http://www.atlasbooks.com/marktplc/01743light.htm

Reinventing Jesus Christ (2nd edition which is posted online): http://www.reinventingjesuschrist.com

1. http://marianne.com/book/index/htm. It seeems to be broken, so try http://marianne.com instead.

2. A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume (Glen Ellen, California: Foundation for Inner Peace, 1975), (Workbook), p. 45.
3. Ibid., p. 102.
4. Ibid., p. 119.
5. Ibid., (Text), p. 16.
6. Ibid., (Preface), p. ix.
7. Neale Donald Walsch, Tomorrow’s God: Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge (New York: Atria Books, Simon & Schuster, 2004), pp. 262-263.
8. Robert Skutch, Journey Without Distance: The Story behind “A Course in Miracles” (Berkeley, California: Celestial Arts, 1984), p. 54.
9. A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume, (Workbook), p. 183.
10. Ibid., (Text), p. 425.
11. Ibid., p. 52.
12. Ibid.
13. Ibid., (Teachers Manual), p. 58.
14. Ibid., (Workbook), p. 45.
15. Ibid., (Text), p. 147.
16. Ibid., p. 125.
17. Ibid., p. 237.
18. http://www.hourofpower.org/interviews/interviews_detail.cfm?ArticleID=3079
19. Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles A Course in Miracles (New York: Harper Perennial, 1996), p. ix.
20. Marianne Williamson, The Gift Of Change: Spiritual Guidance for a Radically New Life (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 2004), p. 5.
21. Wayne Dyer, “There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem,” Public Broadcasting System broadcast in 2001.
22. Neale Donald Walsch, The New Revelations: A Conversation with God (New York: Atria Books, 2002), p. 157.
23. Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God: an uncommon dialogue, Book 1 (New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1996), p. 90.
24. http://www.rethinkconference.com (See also WorldNetDaily.com 10/30/07 “What is Robert Schuller ‘rethinking’?” by Joseph Farah and “Rethinking Robert Schuller” by Warren Smith. See also Herescope: "Rethinking Culture" and "Rethinking and Reinventing" (10/30/07)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

PRAYER WITH RUTH FAZAL: Monday, March 10th from 7-9:30 p.m.


"Awake, arise my beloved and come away with Me."

Awakening Angel

There is a Sound coming from Heaven! It is the Voice of the Bridegroom calling out to His Bride. Come away on this special night to be with the One who longs to be with you.


As a worship leader and singer/songwriter, Ruth has travelled extensively across North America ,Europe, and Israel, and her deepest desire is to see the body of Christ enter into a truly intimate relationship with Jesus, that goes far beyond corporate worship. Ruth honours and loves the prophetic, and feels an urgency in this hour, for us to be awakened to the purposes of God. Ruth says: "Listening for His voice is the most important thing for us to be doing. I believe that there is a realm that the Lord is wanting to bring us into, in which we will begin to see with a 'Kingdom of God' perspective. I feel sure that it is on God's heart to bring us there, and in that place, for us to come to a greater understanding of who He is, and of who we are in Him. It is time for the Church to be functioning as real citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. This is what I am giving my heart to! I want to learn how to live that way"


Mark Your Calendar!!

When: Monday, March 10th from 7-9:30 p.m.

New Life Providence Church Sanctuary
(Kempsville Campus)

A love offering will be taken to bless the ministry of Ruth Fazal

**Don't forget your blanket, bible, and journal!